Emily is a current Master’s student at the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. She holds a BA in Global and International Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from Bard College. Emily has worked with the Tahrir Institute of Middle East Policy, the Jordanian Embassy in Washington, D.C., the Arab Center Washington DC, the Middle East Policy Council, and Young Professionals in Foreign Policy. Her expertise includes post-conflict humanitarian and development responses, civil society-focused localization, US foreign policy, and US-MENA relations.
Sophie Arbaugh
Emily Costello
Administrative and Business Development Assistant
Larry Garber Senior Advisor
Larry Garber is a international development expert, who served as a senior official at USAID for more than 15 years, including five as mission director for USAID/West Bank-Gaza, one of the agency’s most politically sensitive posts. During the Arab spring period, he led USAID's strategic planning response. Separate from his work at USAID, Mr. Garber has extensive experience in election monitoring and democratization, working with organizations like the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. He holds degrees from Queens College in political science and from Columbia University in law and international affairs.
Operations & Business Development Manager
Hisham Jabi
Founder & CEO
Hisham began his career with USAID in 2003 as a Chief of Party in the MENA region. He served as the MENA Youth Portfolio Technical Lead at Tetra Tech/MSI until 2009. In 2020, he went on to hold senior consultancy positions at the World Bank, ILO, USAID, UNOPS, other international development organizations, and private sector. In 2022, Hisham leveraged his extensive experience to establish Jabi Consulting.
Larry is the founder and President Emeritus of Management Systems International. He boasts over four decades of strategic management, public sector reform, and international development experience, with roots in UNDP, World Bank, and Peace Corps. His expertise has guided numerous global public management initiatives and advised leaders of governments and international agencies.
Hisham Kassab, PhD
Senior Technical Advisor
Sophie first joined Jabi Consulting in 2023 as a research consultant. She previously worked at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), supporting USAID programming in Libya and Sudan. Sophie received an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics, where she concentrated her studies in Middle Eastern politics, international law, and humanitarian intervention.
Larry Cooley
Corporate Oversight Advisor
Marina has advised Jabi Consulting on its strategies, economic development tools, and projects since its inception. She served for almost four decades as Executive Vice President for Management Strategies International (MSI), an international development consulting firm she helped establish. For MSI, she also directed their highly regarded Career Management for Women program for seven years. Marina holds an MS in Organizational Development from American University, and is fluent in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Marina Fanning
Technology Advisor
Dr. Kassab received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. He previously worked for Booz-Allen & Hamilton and has extensive IT experience. He is passionate about developing innovative solutions to the world’s toughest development problems by utilizing Artificial Intelligence and information technology.
Emily Kenward
Emily is passionate about climate-sensitive conflict resolution policy and expanding leadership opportunities for women in peacebuilding spaces. She has contributed to water diplomacy efforts between Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan, and led dialogue initiatives for Israeli and Palestinian youth. Emily received a BS in Environmental Biology and a BA in Political Science from Tulane University. She also received an MA in Conflict Resolution and Mediation from Tel Aviv University.
Project Associate